On 30 September 2021, Be Kind Movement were proud to support the Kindness in Film Summit to raise funds for children and young people.

The Kindness in Film Summit was a one-day summit that addressed the challenges facing the film industry and focused on developing a ‘Kinder’ mindset and a more sustainable attitude towards the creatives and people working within the film & tv industry. In the current climate, suicide and depression statistics will continue to rise, toxic behaviour on sets and within companies condoned and archaic industry practices remain rooted.

Based on the feedback from the Summit and the cultural landscape of the film & tv industry, we believe embedding a strong foundation of kindness and EQ skills in young talent studying media and film studies in college, university or in film school is an extension of the Kindness movement that Be Kind Movement is leading in mainstream schools.

Alongside the charity’s Kindness in School Programme™, Kindness in Film is now part of our specialist offering to film schools, academies, film clubs amongst other institutions.