Frankie Stanton Meditation

In this audio, expert meditation teacher Frankie Stanton takes us through a meditation exercise for children. While we are often taught that we should treat others as we want to be treated, we can sometimes forget to treat ourselves with the same level of kindness. 


So how does Meditation help:

* By allowing our minds and bodies to pause and re-connect with our inner self helps to relieve anxiety and stress as you create a calmer and happy mental state;

* By taking the time to be kind and loving to ourselves, we treat ourselves respectfully and keep negative and toxic thoughts at a distance;

* By practising relaxation and breathing techniques that can equip you with inner resilience and self-awareness to help you to deal with anger, anxiousness or frustration.

Frankie Stanton starts this audio by teaching you two different ways of breathing that to prepare you to start your meditation journey. 

We all know how to breathe, but this special breathing technique helps us to focus and notice how the air feels as it flows through the different parts of our bodies. Frankie then narrates a story than helps you to unwind using the power of your imagination.

Use this audio clip to learn how to meditate or practice some of the techniques in your daly life.  This meditation is especially good for 4-11 year olds, but it is one to be enjoyed by all family too.