self care

Resolutions: How to stick to them with Self-Compassion

As we are 50 days into 2024, it's the perfect time to pause and reflect on our progress and the journey we've embarked upon. While setting goals for ourselves is an essential part of personal growth, it is equally important to approach them with empathy and compassion for ourselves. Often, in the fervour of the new year, we become so consumed by our newfound motivation, that we forget to be kind to ourselves when the excitement wears off.

Here are a few easy ways to keep your resolutions without self-blame -

Setting realistic goals -  It is important to set achievable goals, keeping your mental and physical limitations in mind. Breaking down goals into smaller pragmatic goals is a great way to avoid getting overwhelmed.

Setting mindful goals - being mindful of the goals you are setting and the motivation behind them is a great way to keep yourself from disappointment. Aligning your goals to your values is an important part of setting long-term goals

Celebrating progress - we often focus on perfection rather than progress. Celebrating even small wins can increase your motivation and avoid discouragement.

Create a support system - we are stronger together! Finding people to motivate and support you with your resolutions is a crucial part of keeping yourself determined. It is a great idea to find a group of people with similar goals or resolutions. 

Reflect and learn - setbacks are a part of the process, but it is crucial to understand they aren't failures. It is rather an opportunity to reflect and learn from your experiences to better yourself. 

Enjoy the process - while it is natural to get caught up in trying to achieve the goal, it is vital to find joy in what you are doing to keep doing it for the long term. 

Life is unpredictable, our situations and circumstances change ever so often leading us to be inconsistent with our goals. During these times, it is very important to be kind to ourselves with actions and words, just like how you would be to a friend. A little slump in the journey is not a failure, but rather a lesson to learn and grow from.

Self Care- The Key To A Kinder World

We live in a world that constantly demands us to be more perfect, more successful, and more productive. A stay-at-home parent is bombarded with conflicting messages to go out and financially contribute to the family while a working parent is told to contribute more to their child’s upbringing. This relentless pressure to be more and do more can take a toll on our physical and mental health.

What if being kind to ourselves sets off a chain reaction, inspiring us to be kinder towards those around us?

While bubble baths and manicures may be enjoyable, they are not the only way to practice self-care.

1. Carve out some time for yourself daily - Music, dance or long baths, whatever it may be, take some time out for yourself every day to do things you love.

2. Prioritize a healthy lifestyle - Eating healthy, being physically active and getting quality sleep are the key to a balanced life.

3. Practice mindfulness - Cultivate awareness in the present moment with meditation, breathing exercises, yoga and other practices.

4. Be grateful - Appreciate the positive aspects of your life. Keep a gratitude journal and notice the change in your mindset.

5. Engage in hobbies - Dedicate some time each week to pursue interests that bring you joy and fulfill your life.

6. Spend time with family and friends - We all need human connection, to love and be loved. Spending quality time with people who support and understand us is an integral part of self-care.

7. Practice self-compassion - Treat yourself the way you would treat others. Often, we tend to be overly critical and demanding of ourselves. Instead, let's be gentle and mindful of our inner voice.

8. Set clear boundaries - Be it in our personal life or professional life, we all struggle to set boundaries and say no. Learning to say no to things you don't have the bandwidth for, can protect your mental peace and energy.

9. Nature bathing - Spending time in nature away from your gadgets can go a long way in recharging your mental space.

10. Pamper yourself - Everybody deserves to treat themselves to things they love, every now and then. Take yourself shopping, get that massage you have been wanting, take yourself out to dinners, and do things that make you feel special.

We all have an array of responsibilities we have to tend to on a daily basis, and more often than not these responsibilities take priority over self-care. As a new mother myself, I quickly learned that self-care is essential for being a better parent and spouse. It helped me embrace myself, destress, effectively manage my emotions and be more present with my family. Self-care is not a luxury, but rather an investment in your happiness and health, it is an act of kindness towards yourself!

In a world that constantly tells you you are not enough, be resilient and say “I am more than enough”!

Do you have any self-care rituals you swear by? Please share with us in our comments section. Follow our socials and website to know more about Be Kind Movement programmes and campaigns.