Today is World Animal Day!

At Be Kind Movement we are celebrating World Animal Day - October 4th - to remind us of the importance of improving the welfare of our animals. 

This is the one day of the year which embraces all animals and the unique concerns of each, in every country. 

Every year we lose multiple species as a result of threats to animal populations, which is bad for our ecosystem and has a knock on effect down the food chain, including to ourselves. 

Find out how you can magnify the visibility of this awareness day below! 

Why should we protect and conserve our animal species?

Every animal, from the smallest fish to the largest land mammal, has an integral role in its ecosystem. The loss of any animal species impacts their habitats altogether, and has a knock on effect to all species, including ourselves. Animals help pollination, keep forests healthy and even control pests. The welfare of our animals is in our best interests and means we can preserve them for future generations to appreciate and explore, so we should play our part and protect these species! 

How can I celebrate World Animal Day? 

Post some pictures of animals or even pets on social media. Let your friends know you’re supporting World Animal Day with the hashtag #WorldAnimalDay. Find out what your spirit animal is using this Buzzfeed quiz

Be kind to our planet; pick up litter you see outside, especially if it’s in a populated habitat like a forest. 

Eat more sustainably. Cut down your meat consumption to minimise your carbon footprint and make responsible food choices. This doesn’t necessarily mean cutting animal products out of your diet, but you could consider eating more plants and varied foods. According to WWF, 75% of the world’s food supply is derived from only 12 plants and five animal species, and approximately 94% of fish stocks are fished at their limit or overfished. 

Make greener choices in your everyday life. Start by taking your bag for life to the supermarket to reduce unnecessary plastic waste which could harm our animals. Try shopping more sustainably from smaller businesses and charity shops with a lower carbon footprint, and try to extend the product life cycle of your clothes by sewing them when they rip, for example. 


Educational Researcher at Be Kind Movement