Be Kind Movement’s Fundraising Gala Event September 2020

Kindness to Others, Kindness to Yourself. 


Be Kind Movement is delighted to host its third webinar this year and we have an amazing program lined up for you this September! 

Alongside showcasing our multi-award winning short film ITSY, you’ll also have the opportunity to watch the BFI and Film London funded Dad Joke, co-written and performed by our Kindness Ambassador, actor and comedian, Joshua Robertson. Joshua’s life is testament to the fact that no obstacle is great enough to come in the way of achieving your dreams and we're delighted to have Joshua on board!

Click here to book your tickets!

Ticket price: £20 + booking fee
Promo code: Multiple (15% off ticket price when you book more than one ticket)
You will receive your Zoom link on the 10th Sept.

Raising funds for Kindness workshops to build emotional intelligence skills for children from low income families especially affected by Covid-19.

ITSY - A lonely and anxious woman befriends a spider who helps her to see herself and the world differently and, ultimately, helps her to find a friend in her next door neighbour. 

Dad Joke - A disabled standup comedian performs his make-or-break gig on the night his first child is born. 

PARENTS PLEASE NOTE: Dad Joke is certified for children aged 15 years and older and we claim no responsibility for children younger than 15 who view this film.

If you are unable to join our webinar, please consider donating a sum of your choice via one of these options: