Be Kind Movement - Laura's volunteering experience

As it is national Volunteers' Week, I wanted to share my experience of the volunteering I am doing at the moment. While everything at the moment seems so difficult in the world, I hope this is a positive reminder that kindness still exists.

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Back in February, I went along to a 'speed networking' event organised by the Media Trust. The Media Trust connect charities and skilled communications volunteers, so marketeers like me can give back in a structured way. At the event, I 'matched' with several organisations and have since offered pro bono advice and support to six different charities all doing amazing work.

The seventh charity I began supporting, and continue to do so now, is the Be Kind Movement. Established by Premila Puri in 2015, the charity works hard to provide educational opportunities to empower children and young people to develop their emotional intelligence through acts of kindness. Click Here to read more on Laura’s experience volunteering at Be Kind Movement.